Find a Wholesome Relationship with your body 

Discover your inner light, vitality and wisdom

If you are looking for a kinder way of treating your body

- a kinder way of knowing your body -  read on.

  • Transform emotional and impulsive eating 
  • Develop healthy habits that LAST
  • Exercise in a way that feels good
  • Get in touch with emotions through tuning into physical sensations
  • Build the energy and stamina you need to achieve your goals and dreams
  • Learn to value your body as the physical representation of YOU (your soul substance)

Do you ever forget your body?

Do you skip meals, sleep poorly, and neglect basic self care? 

Do you generalize, analyze and interpret, filtering reality through the stories in your head? 

Do you forget to make direct contact with the present moment through your five senses?

Do you ever forget your soul?

Do you diet and exercise rigidly in an attempt to shape your body as society said it should be? 

Do you judge your self-worth by the image in the mirror or the numbers on the scale? 

Do you forget to acknowledge the part of you that is unconditionally beautiful and worthy?

Soul Substance is not about weight loss or weight gain or finding the perfect diet or exercise routine. Nor is it about judging physical appearance as superficial or neglecting your body in pursuit of the things that "matter more". It is about recognizing that your body is so much more than a composite of physical characteristics. Whether you are short or tall, or fat or thin, or muscular or fragile, your body is perfect. Your body is the perfect expression of YOU. Your beliefs create pathways in your physical brain. Your emotions cause sensations in your physical body. Your eyes allow you to see. Your mouth allows you to speak. Your hands allow you to create. Your feet allow you to move. Without an enlivening soul, your body is dead; without a physical body, your soul is intangible.

Your body is the substance of your soul.


A recovery program to quit binge eating and heal your relationship with food


Live and virtual yoga classes to cultivate physical strength and mental relaxation

Stories & Poetry

Stories, slam poetry, and multimedia for entertainment and inspiration

Warning: Construction Ahead

This website keeps changing. I am continuously adding information and inspiration. Don't miss out on new poems, recovery tips and resources, and yoga tutorials. Subscribe below.

Find a wholesome relationship with your body
